The golden mean made of steel

The com­pact­ness of ¼” sock­ets, but with great­er lever­age: 3/8″ impact sock­ets are the middle ground when you want to com­bine both advant­ages. Power, flex­ib­il­ity and safety come togeth­er in the ASW 3/8″ impact sockets.

Ques­tions about the product? I am happy to help you
Andreas Heuel
+49 2722/9363-0 /

The impact sock­et with potential

The impact sock­ets in 3/8‑inch format are char­ac­ter­ized by their ver­sat­il­ity. You will dis­cov­er them par­tic­u­larly often in car work­shops or in the home work­shop, for example when a screw on the garden fence needs to be tightened or the water tap needs to be tamed. This makes it easy to gain con­trol over threaded bolts, house­hold screws and alike .

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    Impact sock­et 3/8 inch: The all-pur­pose nut

    With impact sock­ets with 3/8 inch drive, you can achieve max­im­um power in every­day life and when work­ing on the car or on fur­niture. But they also offer numer­ous oth­er advantages:


    • Cost reduc­tion: ASW tools are par­tic­u­larly dur­able thanks to the spe­cial harden­ing pro­cess. There­fore, you reduce stor­age and replace­ment costs.
    • Safety: Secured with a pin and rub­ber ring, you do not take any risks even with high loads. In case of break­age, the indi­vidu­al parts are held togeth­er by the ring.
    • Grip: Wall thick­ness and sur­face are designed for a snug fit — we fight for every tenth of a mil­li­meter in the man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cess to give you a robust and tight-fit­ting tool.
    • Assort­ment: ASW pro­duces sock­ets of all types: from quarter inch to 2 ½ inch, from slot­ted to TORX® drive, indi­vidu­ally or as a sock­et set in an applic­a­tion-ori­ented set.