We advise you on the right product, whether suitcase, box or bag

Tex­tile pouches — the com­pact and light­weight bag range

The tex­tile pouches impress not only with their excel­lent work­man­ship but also with their func­tion­al­ity and robust­ness.

The innov­at­ive ASW products — tex­tile pouches

In order to achieve the neces­sary rigid­ity, plastic ele­ments are used with­in the robust nylon fab­ric, which do not fail even when wet or even in water. Wide Vel­cro fasten­ers ensure safe trans­port­a­tion. Of course, the sets are equipped with sturdy handle or belt loop.

The foam inserts have high dens­ity, so the tools will not fall out eas­ily. The inserts are designed in two col­ors and with product iden­ti­fic­a­tion so that the user notices imme­di­ately when tools are missing.

Your advantage: The important decisions are up to you, as far as possible: We accompany your decisions and advise them wherever necessary.

Ques­tions about the product? I am happy to help you
Andreas Heuel
+49 2722/9363-0 /

Roll pouch 1/4"

50 mm E 6,3 - 25 pcs.

Art.-No.: RP-25 Allround

Code-No.: 070803


E 6,3 x 50 mm

PH 1  PH 2  PH 3  PZ 1  PZ 2  PZ 3 

HEX 3  HEX 4  HEX 5  HEX 5,5 HEX 6 

SL 0,6x4,5 SL 0,8x5,5 SL 1,2x6,5

TX 10  TX 15  TX 20  TX 25  TX 27  TX 30  TX 40 

Vkt # 1  Vkt # 2  Vkt # 3 


  • Bit hand hold­er with quick-change chuck ¼”

Roll pouch 1/4"

90 mm E 6,3 - 13 pcs.

Art.-No.: RP-13–90 Allround

Code-No.: 070802


E 6,3 x 90 mm

PH 1  PH 2  PZ 1  PZ 2 

SL 0,6x4,5 SL 0,8x5,5

HEX 3  HEX 4  HEX 5 

TT 20  TT 25  TT 30 


  • Bit hand hold­er with quick-change ¼” chuck

Roofing carpenter set 1/4"

12 pcs.

Art.-No.: WT-12-Wood

Code-No.: 019028

IMPACT SOCK­ET wrench with clamp­ing spring:

SW 7  SW 8  SW 3/8 SW 10 

Bits in E 6,3 x 152:

PH 2  PZ 2  TX 20  TX 25  TX 30 

Con­nect­ing parts:

  • Bit adapter ½” Square — F 6.3 ASW series: 1000 SWH 45
  • Com­bin­a­tion hold­er ¼” Skt. E 6.3 — D 6.3 & F 6.3 ASW series: 840–2
  • Adapter ¼“Square E 6.3 — ½″ Square ASW Series: 330–9 mK


34 pcs.

Art.-No.: TP-34

Code-No.: 019050

Thin wall 1/4″ IMPACT SOCK­ET wrenches:

SW 4,5 SW 5  SW 5,5 SW 6  SW 7  SW 8  SW 9  SW 10  SW 11  SW 12  SW 13 


C 6,3 x 25 mm

PH 1  PH 2  PH 3  PZ 1  PZ 2 

HEX 4  HEX 5  HEX 6  HEX 8 

SL 0,6x4,5 SL 0,8x5,5 SL 1,2x6,5

TT 10  TT 15  TT 20  TT 25  TT 27  TT 30  TT 40 


  • Lever-oper­ated ratchet ¼”
  • Vario adapter ¼”
  • Bit quick-change adapter ¼”
  • Adapter ¼” C 6.3 — ¼” Square x 25 mm
As a Pro, get free advice from the Pro

    ASW com­bines mech­an­ic­al and manu­al screwdriving.

    Impact sock­ets are nor­mally used exclus­ively for machine applic­a­tions. In fact, impact sock­ets have at least the same prop­er­ties as CRV manu­al sock­ets. They are just made of high­er qual­ity mater­i­al and have bet­ter prop­er­ties when screwed by cord­less screw­drivers or impact screwdrivers.

    Today, battery-powered electric tools or pneumatic tools are often used. However, hand tools are also often used for readjustment work and in confined work situations:

    ASW con­sist­ently com­bines mech­an­ic­al and manu­al screwdriving.

    Thin-walled impact sock­ets com­bine their dur­able prop­er­ties with the light­ness of hand tools. Since no chrome is used here, they are also more envir­on­ment­ally friendly than con­ven­tion­al sockets.

    The new fine-toothed, ergo­nom­ic ASW ratchets and exten­sions are suit­able for use with both sock­ets and bits. These sets of uni­ver­sal tools should not be miss­ing in any workshop.

    Ques­tions about the product? I am happy to help you
    Andreas Heuel
    +49 2722/9363-0 /