Contact person for tools


ASW GmbH & Co. KG
Rönt­gen­straße 10 | 57439 Attendorn

Tel: +49 (0) 2722.9363.0
Fax: +49 (0) 2722.9363.63

Our tool specialists

Andreas Heuel
+49 2722/9363–0
My specialtyMan­aging Director
Account­ing Human Resources / Author­ized Officer
Bet­tina Heuel-Rudek
+49 2722/9363–32
My specialtyHR & accounting
Man­age­ment assistant
Celina Heuel
+49 2722/9363–10
+49 151 61233483
My specialtyHR & Controlling 
Man­age­ment assistant
Chris­ti­an Schneider
+49 2722/9363–26
My specialtytech­no­logy & construction
Stra­tegic Purchasing
Albert Bröch­er
+ 49 2722/9363–14
My specialtypur­chas­ing, pro­cesses and IT
Head of QM
André Pfau
+49 2722/9363–50
My specialtyQual­ity man­age­ment & Work scheduling
Head of Production
Hart­mut Schulte
+49 2722/9363–0
My specialtyPro­duc­tion
Head of Logistics
Jost Bach­mann
+ 49 2722/9363–34
My specialtyware­house organ­iz­a­tion and disposition
Tech­nic­al Sales
Sigrid Reich
+ 49 2722/9363–31
My specialtycus­tom made
Your con­cern — our solu­tion Talk to us!